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Press Releases

March 15, 2022

Embarcadero Technologies
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RAD Studio 11.1 Release Builds on Milestone Innovations Introduced in 11 Alexandria

Embarcadero Technologies announces the General Availability of RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria, including Delphi 11.1 and C++Builder 11.1.

The RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria release is highly quality-focused, including a concentrationon customer-reported issues and support escalations. 11.1 provides fixes for 632 bugs reported on the Quality Portal site and delivers 30 feature requests from customers.

Improved IDE And User Experience

RAD Studio 11.1 builds on the milestone innovations introduced in version 11 Alexandria of RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder. The RAD Studio IDE is the primary focus of the 11.1 release, with the goal of further improving features introduced in recent versions.

RAD Studio 11.1 combines high-DPI support with improvements to remote desktop access for closer and more effective team collaboration. The high-DPI designers for VCL and FireMonkey and the styled VCL form designer have undergone improvements.

The GetIt Library Manager is enhanced with cached images and a reworked UI implementation. The Messages view now uses customized colors, while the new Welcome Page now offers background images, and supports custom frames with a new Open Tools API.

According to Embarcadero Product Manager Marco Cantù, "The RAD Studio 11.1 release improves the performance and stability of the great features in 11.0, starting with the new High-DPI enabled IDE. On top of this, it delivers official support to operating systems released after 11.0 shipped: Windows 11, macOS 12 Monterey, iOS 15, and Android 12!"

Improved Code Insight

Code Insight for both languages, Delphi and C++, are now improved. The C++ implementation has improved significantly in terms of quality and performance, while the Delphi LSP engine is also between 5 times and 30 times faster. Furthermore, when completing a declaration, type parameters are now visible.

More Powerful Compilers And Debuggers

The stability and performance of Delphi and C++ compilers is improved. The Delphi macOS 64-bit ARM and Android 64-bit debuggers are now based on the LLDB debugger architecture, as already in use for the Delphi iOS 64-bit debugger. As a result, Delphi debuggers for supported platforms are unified on this technology as part of the continuous commitment to quality improvement.

Embarcadero Chief Developer Advocate and Engineer Jim McKeeth says he is "the kind of person who gets really excited about new features and big changes, but I also understand that the biggest impact in my daily productivity comes from quality improvements and performance enhancements. RAD Studio 11.1 takes all the new and exciting features of my favorite development tools and adds the quality and performance that makes each day I use it a little better than the one before".

Richer RTL, UI and Database Libraries

Optimizations and quality improvements have been introduced to the core Delphi RTL in the 11.1 Release. There is also a new TURLStream class, a TStream descendant with support for async operations. Support for Windows 11 and Server 2022 in the TOSVersion data structure. FireMonkey has added quality improvements to TListView, along with improved Android SDK integration, TWebBrowser, Windows HighDPI-related issues, and performance. FireDAC has added Structure View integration and offers support for MariaDB 10.6, SQLite Encryption Extension (SEE), and new data types for Firebird 4. RAD Studio 11.1 also improves DataSnap quality and adds the ability to deploy a WebBroker application on Android.

Superior Integration With AWS And Python

Since the 11 Alexandria release, Enterprise and Architect customers get a preview of the new AWS SDK for Delphi (licensed from Appercept). Embarcadero also extends the reach of theirDelphi UI libraries to Python developers with new free libraries, and also improves integration of Python libraries in RAD Studio applications.

With all these improvements to a landmark core release, Embarcadero General Manager Kyle Wheeler says the company is "excited to bring this release to market as a continuing focus on quality improvements that build on the major work done for version 11. 2022 is shaping up to be another great year for Embarcadero and RAD Studio and our amazing community".

How to Find Out More

For more information contact Embarcadero through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. More information is also available on the What's New in RAD Studio 11.1 page on the Embarcadero website.

About Embarcadero Technologies

Embarcadero builds tools that solve productivity problems for application developers. The company's products allow users to design, build, and run applications from a single code base across all platforms. Ninety of the Fortune 100 companies and a community of more than three million C++ and Delphi users worldwide rely on Embarcadero's award-winning products to deliver critical enterprise applications. Embarcadero is a division of Idera, Inc.

To learn more, visit https://www.embarcadero.com.