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RAD Studio Frequently Asked Questions

Build Apps 5x Faster for Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux

RAD Studio® is the ultimate IDE developers use to build compelling single-source multi-platform high-performance native applications in Delphi® and modern C++ using powerful visual design tools and integrated toolchains. Rapidly develop visually stunning apps from a single codebase to reach billions of users on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux. Leverage best-in-class Windows desktop UI libraries for Windows 11, Windows platform integration, flexible data access components and cloud libraries to consistently deliver projects on time and under budget. Independent developers and enterprise development teams love the 5x development productivity RAD Studio delivers across desktop and mobile platforms.

RAD Studio comes with a complete suite of app development tools, including Delphi, C++Builder, Interbase, and RAD Server, depending on the edition. More information can be found on the individual product pages:

For a summary of what’s new in the latest version of RAD Studio, visit the What's New page.

The open source project is located at http://sourceforge.net/projects/radstudioverins/.

The repository for the open source code is available from the "Code" tab when you're logged in to SourceForge web site or at https://radstudioverins.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/radstudioverins/trunk/

For more RAD Studio license and versioning information please visit the Previous Versions page.

You can view pricing and purchase RAD Studio from Embarcadero Sales, one of our valuable partners, or our online Embarcadero Store.

We also have a free limited-commercial-use Community Edition for both Delphi and C++Builder individually (please check the EULA to verify you’re qualified.) Or, if you are an educational institution, you can use the Academic license.

RAD Studio is available in three editions - Professional, Enterprise and Architect. See  RAD Studio Product Editions and Feature Matrix for details on the differences between the editions.

The Community Edition is approximately equivalent to the Professional edition in feature set, but has limited commercial use. Check the EULA for details.

RAD Studio is available with multiple licensing options including:

Yes. When purchasing a perpetual license plus Support & Maintenance for RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder, you can redeem licenses to earlier versions. See the RAD Studio Previous Versions web page for further details.

No. They are considered part of your license and are tied to your user account. They cannot be given away or sold.

Your earlier version license, and the version you upgrade to, are considered one named user license that covers both versions. If you already own an earlier version and go to the web page and request the same version license, you will just get a resend of your existing serial number.

Some of those earlier products are only available as Professional and Enterprise editions.

We can't guarantee that the older versions will be available indefinitely so you should be sure to download your earlier version software and licenses within 180 days.

The earlier versions are available in English, French, German and Japanese. For versions 2007 and later, there is a single download and you choose the language at install time. For version 7, there is a separate download for each localized version.

The Academic edition can be used only for learning in an academic or classroom environment. Educational institutions cannot use the academic version to produce software for use within their institution. Academic licenses don't qualify for upgrade pricing to commercial licenses.

It could be a little confusing for some customers when they purchase RAD Studio and receive seven different serial numbers and download links. We tried to keep it simple by just delivering the license for the purchased version and allow you to request the other licenses as needed.

When you're ready to deploy applications using InterBase, Embarcadero offers a variety of editions (Desktop, Server and To-Go) and a variety of licensing options (flexible server licensing, multi-packs and OEM licensing). Contact Embarcadero Sales or partners for more information. See the license terms in the Delphi license.rtf file for additional licensing details.

To obtain your free IBLite deployment license, use the IBLite serial number in your order delivery email and follow the instructions to generate a license file that you will use to distribute IBLite with your Android and iOS applications.

Delphi for .NET is no longer available and is not available as part of the older version downloads.

The export status for RAD Studio is 5D992C – Mass Market

CodeSite Studio 5

The product will install over previous versions of CodeSite Studio and CodeSite Express and requires no extra steps.

Konopka Signature VCL Controls

Radiant Shapes

No. Radiant Shapes is a component library for FireMonkey.

The product comes in the form of an executable installer that requires no separate steps. It is available through GetIt.


Documentation is only in English. Chart dialogues and message constants are in 37 languages.

The product comes in the form of an executable installer that requires no separate steps.

The TeeChart installer automatically backs up and replaces the Light version. No human intervention is normally required.